School Summary

St Margaret's Academy

Boys: 201
Girls: 200
Total Pupils: 401
Opened: 01-04-2011
Ofsted: Good
Headteacher: Timothy Hughes
St Margaret's Academy
Barewell Road
Telephone: 01803327090

Webpage image for St Margaret's Academy
AdministrativeWard (code): E05012265
AdministrativeWard (name): St Marychurch
AdmissionsPolicy (code): 0
AdmissionsPolicy (name): Not applicable
BSOInspectorateName (name): Not applicable
Boarders (code): 1
Boarders (name): No boarders
BoardingEstablishment (name):
CCF (name): Not applicable
CensusDate: 20-01-2022
Country (name):
County (name): Devon
Diocese (code): 0000
Diocese (name): Not applicable
DistrictAdministrative (code): E06000027
DistrictAdministrative (name): Torbay
EBD (name): Not applicable
Easting: 291726
EdByOther (name): Not applicable
EstablishmentAccredited (code): 0
EstablishmentAccredited (name): Not applicable
EstablishmentName: St Margaret's Academy
EstablishmentNumber: 2456
EstablishmentStatus (code): 1
EstablishmentStatus (name): Open
EstablishmentTypeGroup (code): 10
EstablishmentTypeGroup (name): Academies
FSM: 132
FTProv (name):
FederationFlag (name): Not applicable
Federations (code):
Federations (name):
FurtherEducationType (name): Not applicable
GOR (code): K
GOR (name): South West
GSSLACode (name): E06000027
Gender (code): 3
Gender (name): Mixed
HeadFirstName: Timothy
HeadLastName: Hughes
HeadPreferredJobTitle: Headteacher
HeadTitle (name): Mr
InspectorateName (name):
LA (code): 880
LA (name): Torbay
LSOA (code): E01015238
LSOA (name): Torbay 002C
LastChangedDate: 14-06-2023
MSOA (code): E02003155
MSOA (name): Torbay 002
Northing: 65786
NumberOfBoys: 201
NumberOfGirls: 200
NumberOfPupils: 401
NurseryProvision (name): No Nursery Classes
OfficialSixthForm (code): 0
OfficialSixthForm (name): Not applicable
OfstedLastInsp: 21-09-2017
OfstedRating (name): Good
OfstedSpecialMeasures (code): 0
OfstedSpecialMeasures (name): Not applicable
OpenDate: 01-04-2011
ParliamentaryConstituency (code): E14000999
ParliamentaryConstituency (name): Torbay
PercentageFSM: 32.90
PhaseOfEducation (code): 2
PhaseOfEducation (name): Primary
Postcode: TQ1 4PA
PreviousEstablishmentNumber: 2456
PreviousLA (code): 911
PreviousLA (name): Pre LGR (1998) Devon
QABName (code): 0
QABName (name): Not applicable
RSCRegion (name): South-West England
ReasonEstablishmentClosed (code): 99
ReasonEstablishmentClosed (name):
ReasonEstablishmentOpened (code): 10
ReasonEstablishmentOpened (name): Academy Converter
ReligiousCharacter (code): 00
ReligiousCharacter (name): Does not apply
ReligiousEthos (name): Does not apply
SEN1 (name): HI - Hearing Impairment
SEN10 (name):
SEN11 (name):
SEN12 (name):
SEN13 (name):
SEN2 (name):
SEN3 (name):
SEN4 (name):
SEN5 (name):
SEN6 (name):
SEN7 (name):
SEN8 (name):
SEN9 (name):
SENPRU (name): Not applicable
SchoolCapacity: 420
SchoolSponsorFlag (name): -
SchoolSponsors (name):
Section41Approved (name): Not applicable
SpecialClasses (code): 1
SpecialClasses (name): Has Special Classes
StatutoryHighAge: 11
StatutoryLowAge: 4
Street: Barewell Road
TeenMoth (name): Not applicable
TelephoneNum: 01803327090
Town: Torquay
TrustSchoolFlag (code): 5
TrustSchoolFlag (name): Supported by a single-academy trust
Trusts (code): 4732
TypeOfEstablishment (code): 34
TypeOfEstablishment (name): Academy converter
TypeOfResourcedProvision (name): SEN unit
UKPRN: 10033391
UPRN: 100041053202
URN: 136602
UrbanRural (code): C1
UrbanRural (name): (England/Wales) Urban city and town
id: 35906

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nationalPhoneNumber: "01803 327090"
internationalPhoneNumber: "+44 1803 327090"
formattedAddress: "Barewell Rd, St Marychurch, Torquay TQ1 4PA, UK"
addressComponents: [{"longText":"Barewell Road","shortText":"Barewell Rd","types":["route"],"languageCode":"en"},{"longText":"Saint Marychurch","shortText":"St Marychurch","types":["sublocality_level_1","sublocality","political"],"languageCode":"en"},{"longText":"Torquay","shortText":"Torquay","types":["postal_town"],"languageCode":"en"},{"longText":"Torbay","shortText":"Torbay","types":["administrative_area_level_2","political"],"languageCode":"en"},{"longText":"England","shortText":"England","types":["administrative_area_level_1","political"],"languageCode":"en"},{"longText":"United Kingdom","shortText":"GB","types":["country","political"],"languageCode":"en"},{"longText":"TQ1 4PA","shortText":"TQ1 4PA","types":["postal_code"],"languageCode":"en-US"}]
plusCode: {"globalCode":"9C2RFFJC+QW","compoundCode":"FFJC+QW Torquay, UK"}
location: {"latitude":50.4819574,"longitude":-3.5276516}
viewport: {"low":{"latitude":50.48068506970851,"longitude":-3.529096880291502},"high":{"latitude":50.4833830302915,"longitude":-3.526398919708498}}
rating: 4.7
googleMapsUri: "https:\/\/\/?cid=6163064311899163050"
websiteUri: "https:\/\/\/website"
utcOffsetMinutes: 60
adrFormatAddress: "Barewell Road<\/span>, St Marychurch<\/span>, Torquay<\/span> TQ1 4PA<\/span>, UK<\/span>"
businessStatus: "OPERATIONAL"
userRatingCount: 15
iconMaskBaseUri: "https:\/\/\/mapfiles\/place_api\/icons\/v2\/school_pinlet"
iconBackgroundColor: "#7B9EB0"
displayName: {"text":"St Margaret's Primary Academy","languageCode":"en"}
wheelchairAccessibleEntrance: true
reviews: [{"relativePublishTimeDescription":"2 years ago","rating":5,"text":{"text":"As a former student at this school since I was 6 I really have experienced most things at this school and I have to say it is really such a joy going there every day! The teachers are so kind and considerate. The grounds are so nice for your child to play in and make friends and create memory\u00e2\u0080\u0099s that you will never forget. I spent 6 years at that school and there is nothing I would change about it! If you are looking for a school where your child (or children) can have 6-7 years of fun, happiness, to make life time friends and be taught by the best of the best teachers, St. Margaret\u00e2\u0080\u0099s is where your child belongs!\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a","languageCode":"en"},"originalText":{"text":"As a former student at this school since I was 6 I really have experienced most things at this school and I have to say it is really such a joy going there every day! The teachers are so kind and considerate. The grounds are so nice for your child to play in and make friends and create memory\u00e2\u0080\u0099s that you will never forget. I spent 6 years at that school and there is nothing I would change about it! If you are looking for a school where your child (or children) can have 6-7 years of fun, happiness, to make life time friends and be taught by the best of the best teachers, St. Margaret\u00e2\u0080\u0099s is where your child belongs!\u00f0\u009f\u0098\u008a","languageCode":"en"},"authorAttribution":{"displayName":"Noah Blake","uri":"https:\/\/\/maps\/contrib\/101852227667360588968\/reviews","photoUri":"https:\/\/\/a-\/ALV-UjXBY6xlDn2Hx0hYuL-EoKs5NGLSvxwt5Z22mKLL-ZynJHBj=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo"},"publishTime":"2020-11-10T20:56:35Z"},{"relativePublishTimeDescription":"4 years ago","rating":5,"text":{"text":"I started at the nursery and I finished at year 6 great school I had Mrs Stell as my year 1 and 2 teacher she is brilliant.\nThe school does focus on helping every child I really miss going here I am now in year 11 preparing to take my GCSE's","languageCode":"en"},"originalText":{"text":"I started at the nursery and I finished at year 6 great school I had Mrs Stell as my year 1 and 2 teacher she is brilliant.\nThe school does focus on helping every child I really miss going here I am now in year 11 preparing to take my GCSE's","languageCode":"en"},"authorAttribution":{"displayName":"hanah wood","uri":"https:\/\/\/maps\/contrib\/103781907428999333934\/reviews","photoUri":"https:\/\/\/a\/ACg8ocJeparn9HlnxFXnQXIaT0y93ZDxEQVIzrXilpgfgC8q=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo"},"publishTime":"2018-10-14T23:01:31Z"},{"relativePublishTimeDescription":"5 years ago","rating":5,"text":{"text":"Wonderful school, lots of variety in outdoor space, 2 classes per year and a real interest in childrens learning not just performance statistics.","languageCode":"en"},"originalText":{"text":"Wonderful school, lots of variety in outdoor space, 2 classes per year and a real interest in childrens learning not just performance statistics.","languageCode":"en"},"authorAttribution":{"displayName":"Jacqueline Derdiyok","uri":"https:\/\/\/maps\/contrib\/117496311375640374412\/reviews","photoUri":"https:\/\/\/a-\/ALV-UjWay4ywkdAkspZOTlLoi1XhT2xv4eUHu44E_RSGlZvE9HA=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo"},"publishTime":"2018-03-26T22:47:22Z"},{"relativePublishTimeDescription":"2 years ago","rating":5,"text":{"text":"An amazing school, with caring staff, amazing facilities and wonderful children!","languageCode":"en"},"originalText":{"text":"An amazing school, with caring staff, amazing facilities and wonderful children!","languageCode":"en"},"authorAttribution":{"displayName":"Samantha Newman","uri":"https:\/\/\/maps\/contrib\/116311073890845257369\/reviews","photoUri":"https:\/\/\/a-\/ALV-UjXRcEscJGnjdrgen4AO2xADzu5gD5DTAAzRhe5nwS5S3g=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo"},"publishTime":"2021-01-08T07:07:22Z"},{"relativePublishTimeDescription":"6 years ago","rating":5,"text":{"text":"This is the best primary school\/academy to send your child to I am a former student who went there and everyone who I went to that school with are almost to sets in our secondary","languageCode":"en"},"originalText":{"text":"This is the best primary school\/academy to send your child to I am a former student who went there and everyone who I went to that school with are almost to sets in our secondary","languageCode":"en"},"authorAttribution":{"displayName":"XxMissyFitxX","uri":"https:\/\/\/maps\/contrib\/110275881379824139887\/reviews","photoUri":"https:\/\/\/a-\/ALV-UjXrJDUIbAPZMuL1bZaqPPYD_kK2tMMLri5cJ8dl3Fz9_sE=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo"},"publishTime":"2017-03-17T07:14:33Z"}]