School Summary

Brunswick Park Primary School

Boys: 189
Girls: 190
Total Pupils: 379
Opened: 01-09-1998
Ofsted: Good
Headteacher: Susannah Bellingham
Brunswick Park Primary School
Picton Street

Telephone: 02075259033

AdministrativeWard (code): E05011096
AdministrativeWard (name): Camberwell Green
AdmissionsPolicy (code): 0
AdmissionsPolicy (name): Not applicable
BSOInspectorateName (name): Not applicable
Boarders (code): 1
Boarders (name): No boarders
BoardingEstablishment (name):
CCF (name): Not applicable
CensusDate: 20-01-2022
Country (name):
County (name):
Diocese (code): 0000
Diocese (name): Not applicable
DistrictAdministrative (code): E09000028
DistrictAdministrative (name): Southwark
EBD (name): Not applicable
Easting: 532820
EdByOther (name): Not applicable
EstablishmentAccredited (code): 0
EstablishmentAccredited (name): Not applicable
EstablishmentName: Brunswick Park Primary School
EstablishmentNumber: 2858
EstablishmentStatus (code): 1
EstablishmentStatus (name): Open
EstablishmentTypeGroup (code): 4
EstablishmentTypeGroup (name): Local authority maintained schools
FSM: 179
FTProv (name):
FederationFlag (name): Not under a federation
Federations (code):
Federations (name):
FurtherEducationType (name): Not applicable
GOR (code): H
GOR (name): London
GSSLACode (name): E09000028
Gender (code): 3
Gender (name): Mixed
HeadFirstName: Susannah
HeadLastName: Bellingham
HeadPreferredJobTitle: Headteacher
HeadTitle (name): Mrs
InspectorateName (name):
LA (code): 210
LA (name): Southwark
LSOA (code): E01003918
LSOA (name): Southwark 020D
LastChangedDate: 31-03-2023
Locality: Camberwell
MSOA (code): E02000826
MSOA (name): Southwark 020
Northing: 177188
NumberOfBoys: 189
NumberOfGirls: 190
NumberOfPupils: 379
NurseryProvision (name): Has Nursery Classes
OfficialSixthForm (code): 2
OfficialSixthForm (name): Does not have a sixth form
OfstedLastInsp: 25-04-2019
OfstedRating (name): Good
OfstedSpecialMeasures (code): 0
OfstedSpecialMeasures (name): Not applicable
OpenDate: 01-09-1998
ParliamentaryConstituency (code): E14000615
ParliamentaryConstituency (name): Camberwell and Peckham
PercentageFSM: 50.00
PhaseOfEducation (code): 2
PhaseOfEducation (name): Primary
Postcode: SE5 7QH
PreviousLA (code): 999
PreviousLA (name):
QABName (code): 0
QABName (name): Not applicable
RSCRegion (name): South-East England and South London
ReasonEstablishmentClosed (code): 00
ReasonEstablishmentClosed (name): Not applicable
ReasonEstablishmentOpened (code): 00
ReasonEstablishmentOpened (name): Not applicable
ReligiousCharacter (code): 00
ReligiousCharacter (name): Does not apply
ReligiousEthos (name): Does not apply
ResourcedProvisionCapacity: 14
ResourcedProvisionOnRoll: 19
SEN1 (name): ASD - Autistic Spectrum Disorder
SEN10 (name):
SEN11 (name):
SEN12 (name):
SEN13 (name):
SEN2 (name):
SEN3 (name):
SEN4 (name):
SEN5 (name):
SEN6 (name):
SEN7 (name):
SEN8 (name):
SEN9 (name):
SENPRU (name): Not applicable
SchoolCapacity: 472
SchoolSponsorFlag (name): Not applicable
SchoolSponsors (name):
Section41Approved (name): Not applicable
SpecialClasses (code): 1
SpecialClasses (name): Has Special Classes
StatutoryHighAge: 11
StatutoryLowAge: 3
Street: Picton Street
TeenMoth (name): Not applicable
TelephoneNum: 02075259033
Town: London
TrustSchoolFlag (code): 0
TrustSchoolFlag (name): Not applicable
Trusts (code):
Trusts (name):
TypeOfEstablishment (code): 01
TypeOfEstablishment (name): Community school
TypeOfResourcedProvision (name): Resourced provision
UKPRN: 10076694
UPRN: 200003458373
URN: 131843
UrbanRural (code): A1
UrbanRural (name): (England/Wales) Urban major conurbation
id: 31764

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id: "ChIJU2O3p34DdkgRLhYK0V7mi-Y"
types: ["primary_school","school","point_of_interest","establishment"]
nationalPhoneNumber: "020 7525 9033"
internationalPhoneNumber: "+44 20 7525 9033"
formattedAddress: "Picton St, London SE5 7QH, UK"
addressComponents: [{"longText":"Picton Street","shortText":"Picton St","types":["route"],"languageCode":"en"},{"longText":"London","shortText":"London","types":["postal_town"],"languageCode":"en"},{"longText":"Greater London","shortText":"Greater London","types":["administrative_area_level_2","political"],"languageCode":"en"},{"longText":"England","shortText":"England","types":["administrative_area_level_1","political"],"languageCode":"en"},{"longText":"United Kingdom","shortText":"GB","types":["country","political"],"languageCode":"en"},{"longText":"SE5 7QH","shortText":"SE5 7QH","types":["postal_code"],"languageCode":"en-US"}]
plusCode: {"globalCode":"9C3XFWH6+6V","compoundCode":"FWH6+6V London, UK"}
location: {"latitude":51.478062099999995,"longitude":-0.0878008}
viewport: {"low":{"latitude":51.476823019708505,"longitude":-0.08937673029150205},"high":{"latitude":51.479520980291504,"longitude":-0.08667876970849797}}
rating: 3.5
googleMapsUri: "https:\/\/\/?cid=16612624945394619950"
websiteUri: "http:\/\/\/"
openingHours: {"openNow":true,"periods":[{"open":{"day":1,"hour":10,"minute":0},"close":{"day":1,"hour":18,"minute":0}},{"open":{"day":2,"hour":10,"minute":0},"close":{"day":2,"hour":18,"minute":0}},{"open":{"day":3,"hour":10,"minute":0},"close":{"day":3,"hour":18,"minute":0}},{"open":{"day":4,"hour":10,"minute":0},"close":{"day":4,"hour":18,"minute":0}},{"open":{"day":5,"hour":10,"minute":0},"close":{"day":5,"hour":18,"minute":0}},{"open":{"day":6,"hour":10,"minute":0},"close":{"day":6,"hour":18,"minute":0}}],"weekdayDescriptions":["Monday: 10:00\u00e2\u0080\u00afAM\u00e2\u0080\u0089\u00e2\u0080\u0093\u00e2\u0080\u00896:00\u00e2\u0080\u00afPM","Tuesday: 10:00\u00e2\u0080\u00afAM\u00e2\u0080\u0089\u00e2\u0080\u0093\u00e2\u0080\u00896:00\u00e2\u0080\u00afPM","Wednesday: 10:00\u00e2\u0080\u00afAM\u00e2\u0080\u0089\u00e2\u0080\u0093\u00e2\u0080\u00896:00\u00e2\u0080\u00afPM","Thursday: 10:00\u00e2\u0080\u00afAM\u00e2\u0080\u0089\u00e2\u0080\u0093\u00e2\u0080\u00896:00\u00e2\u0080\u00afPM","Friday: 10:00\u00e2\u0080\u00afAM\u00e2\u0080\u0089\u00e2\u0080\u0093\u00e2\u0080\u00896:00\u00e2\u0080\u00afPM","Saturday: 10:00\u00e2\u0080\u00afAM\u00e2\u0080\u0089\u00e2\u0080\u0093\u00e2\u0080\u00896:00\u00e2\u0080\u00afPM","Sunday: Closed"]}
utcOffsetMinutes: 60
adrFormatAddress: "Picton Street<\/span>, London<\/span> SE5 7QH<\/span>, UK<\/span>"
businessStatus: "OPERATIONAL"
userRatingCount: 21
iconMaskBaseUri: "https:\/\/\/mapfiles\/place_api\/icons\/v2\/school_pinlet"
iconBackgroundColor: "#7B9EB0"
displayName: {"text":"Brunswick Park Primary School","languageCode":"en"}
wheelchairAccessibleEntrance: true
currentOpeningHours: {"openNow":true,"periods":[{"open":{"day":1,"hour":10,"minute":0,"date":{"year":2023,"month":8,"day":28}},"close":{"day":1,"hour":18,"minute":0,"date":{"year":2023,"month":8,"day":28}}},{"open":{"day":2,"hour":10,"minute":0,"date":{"year":2023,"month":8,"day":29}},"close":{"day":2,"hour":18,"minute":0,"date":{"year":2023,"month":8,"day":29}}},{"open":{"day":3,"hour":10,"minute":0,"date":{"year":2023,"month":8,"day":30}},"close":{"day":3,"hour":18,"minute":0,"date":{"year":2023,"month":8,"day":30}}},{"open":{"day":4,"hour":10,"minute":0,"date":{"year":2023,"month":8,"day":31}},"close":{"day":4,"hour":18,"minute":0,"date":{"year":2023,"month":8,"day":31}}},{"open":{"day":5,"hour":10,"minute":0,"date":{"year":2023,"month":9,"day":1}},"close":{"day":5,"hour":18,"minute":0,"date":{"year":2023,"month":9,"day":1}}},{"open":{"day":6,"hour":10,"minute":0,"date":{"year":2023,"month":8,"day":26}},"close":{"day":6,"hour":18,"minute":0,"date":{"year":2023,"month":8,"day":26}}}],"weekdayDescriptions":["Monday: 10:00\u00e2\u0080\u00afAM\u00e2\u0080\u0089\u00e2\u0080\u0093\u00e2\u0080\u00896:00\u00e2\u0080\u00afPM","Tuesday: 10:00\u00e2\u0080\u00afAM\u00e2\u0080\u0089\u00e2\u0080\u0093\u00e2\u0080\u00896:00\u00e2\u0080\u00afPM","Wednesday: 10:00\u00e2\u0080\u00afAM\u00e2\u0080\u0089\u00e2\u0080\u0093\u00e2\u0080\u00896:00\u00e2\u0080\u00afPM","Thursday: 10:00\u00e2\u0080\u00afAM\u00e2\u0080\u0089\u00e2\u0080\u0093\u00e2\u0080\u00896:00\u00e2\u0080\u00afPM","Friday: 10:00\u00e2\u0080\u00afAM\u00e2\u0080\u0089\u00e2\u0080\u0093\u00e2\u0080\u00896:00\u00e2\u0080\u00afPM","Saturday: 10:00\u00e2\u0080\u00afAM\u00e2\u0080\u0089\u00e2\u0080\u0093\u00e2\u0080\u00896:00\u00e2\u0080\u00afPM","Sunday: Closed"]}
reviews: [{"relativePublishTimeDescription":"6 years ago","rating":5,"text":{"text":"I can't believe the reviews here! Our son has been at this school for two years and I am impressed! The teachers I have come across, including the head teachers are all brilliant and warm and approachable and I feel our son is very well cared for and well taught. He has loved school and hopefully this has given him a strong base for enjoying the rest of his education. The teachers and head teachers are always careful to make sure parents are included and I have always felt that if I have any concerns, they will be taken seriously. In my opinion (and I think the vast majority of other parents) this is a good school which takes care to help each individual child to grow into responsible and respectful citizens through learning and playing.","languageCode":"en"},"originalText":{"text":"I can't believe the reviews here! Our son has been at this school for two years and I am impressed! The teachers I have come across, including the head teachers are all brilliant and warm and approachable and I feel our son is very well cared for and well taught. He has loved school and hopefully this has given him a strong base for enjoying the rest of his education. The teachers and head teachers are always careful to make sure parents are included and I have always felt that if I have any concerns, they will be taken seriously. In my opinion (and I think the vast majority of other parents) this is a good school which takes care to help each individual child to grow into responsible and respectful citizens through learning and playing.","languageCode":"en"},"authorAttribution":{"displayName":"Clare A.L.","uri":"https:\/\/\/maps\/contrib\/108779610553549169230\/reviews","photoUri":"https:\/\/\/a-\/AD_cMMTEKXtxngyIdBX3zkNSQy2BT6HZ3CoG8PPU9QrXx087tKWD=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo"},"publishTime":"2017-06-27T10:33:08Z"},{"relativePublishTimeDescription":"6 years ago","rating":4,"text":{"text":"Brunswick Park is a really good school with dedicated and enthusiastic teachers. Our boys (in year 2 and in reception) have really enjoyed this year and are looking forward to going back in September. Well done to all the teachers and support staff.","languageCode":"en"},"originalText":{"text":"Brunswick Park is a really good school with dedicated and enthusiastic teachers. Our boys (in year 2 and in reception) have really enjoyed this year and are looking forward to going back in September. Well done to all the teachers and support staff.","languageCode":"en"},"authorAttribution":{"displayName":"james traynor","uri":"https:\/\/\/maps\/contrib\/101906112612329194147\/reviews","photoUri":"https:\/\/\/a-\/AD_cMMTcnQstLv8MNvrRM6iRC6RMx20WEb7LgeOK25Tm_hB7B19a=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo"},"publishTime":"2017-07-17T22:58:34Z"},{"relativePublishTimeDescription":"4 years ago","rating":1,"text":{"text":"I have had the privilege to see what goes on behind the scene at Peckham Park Primary. The school has many support staff and agency staff to work with the children throughout class. The support workers are exploited to do alot of the work teachers are suppose to do. Meaning senior teacher's will force support workers to push the class to finish the work within a small window. Even if the child struggles due to different academic level than a child that would sail through the work. All books e.g Maths, English and science will appear as if all children understood the work they have been given because the books would demonstrate that. When infact this is manipulation to parents who may think the child is doing better at school and to ofsted who may feel all children are producing amazing work. This fast pace way of learning defeat's the object to all children who are more challenged or who have come to this country and English is not there first language. They hire and fire staff like its going out of fashion which cannot be stable for the children environment. This school is run like a prison camp in its sheer desperation to do better in the next ofsted report. Their is also bullying amongst staff in a hierarchy sense causing exclusion. I would personally do alot of research before sending your child here. Thanks for reading","languageCode":"en"},"originalText":{"text":"I have had the privilege to see what goes on behind the scene at Peckham Park Primary. The school has many support staff and agency staff to work with the children throughout class. The support workers are exploited to do alot of the work teachers are suppose to do. Meaning senior teacher's will force support workers to push the class to finish the work within a small window. Even if the child struggles due to different academic level than a child that would sail through the work. All books e.g Maths, English and science will appear as if all children understood the work they have been given because the books would demonstrate that. When infact this is manipulation to parents who may think the child is doing better at school and to ofsted who may feel all children are producing amazing work. This fast pace way of learning defeat's the object to all children who are more challenged or who have come to this country and English is not there first language. They hire and fire staff like its going out of fashion which cannot be stable for the children environment. This school is run like a prison camp in its sheer desperation to do better in the next ofsted report. Their is also bullying amongst staff in a hierarchy sense causing exclusion. I would personally do alot of research before sending your child here. Thanks for reading","languageCode":"en"},"authorAttribution":{"displayName":"Angel Stevens","uri":"https:\/\/\/maps\/contrib\/101278339773046366846\/reviews","photoUri":"https:\/\/\/a\/AAcHTtef1DsjJe2EJAyDzavd8WbUL7DnT6LOh8NnnZF8HU0C=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo"},"publishTime":"2018-09-26T07:33:01Z"},{"relativePublishTimeDescription":"7 years ago","rating":1,"text":{"text":"Years ago I would of gave the school a 5 star because I have 2 older girls who use to come here I was happy Ofsted was always brilliant always got outstanding any bullying going on Mr white put a stop to it there and then sadly Mr white left and Miss Bellingham took over a few years ago as head mistress and the school gone down hill bullying with teacher assistant towards some teachers and other teacher assistant I finally took my daughter out of the school after 4 years of bullying on and off. Miss Bellingham has made no attempt to contact me regarding the bullying even when I sent an email to the school no one has been in contact all miss Bellingham cares about is making money for the school by asking parents to do sponsors for school equipment and her pay packet. Its been what 3 months since I wrote to the school of govern and surprise surprise no one as been in contact with me I think it might be because I called her a bell end","languageCode":"en"},"originalText":{"text":"Years ago I would of gave the school a 5 star because I have 2 older girls who use to come here I was happy Ofsted was always brilliant always got outstanding any bullying going on Mr white put a stop to it there and then sadly Mr white left and Miss Bellingham took over a few years ago as head mistress and the school gone down hill bullying with teacher assistant towards some teachers and other teacher assistant I finally took my daughter out of the school after 4 years of bullying on and off. Miss Bellingham has made no attempt to contact me regarding the bullying even when I sent an email to the school no one has been in contact all miss Bellingham cares about is making money for the school by asking parents to do sponsors for school equipment and her pay packet. Its been what 3 months since I wrote to the school of govern and surprise surprise no one as been in contact with me I think it might be because I called her a bell end","languageCode":"en"},"authorAttribution":{"displayName":"Sam Milden","uri":"https:\/\/\/maps\/contrib\/113550322227963719377\/reviews","photoUri":"https:\/\/\/a-\/AD_cMMSSXWqpfvu_72KWboUNyhV4K_q2L2dbnCdZLwbZrQNPpoo=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo"},"publishTime":"2016-07-14T19:18:09Z"},{"relativePublishTimeDescription":"5 years ago","rating":4,"text":{"text":"I loved their black history month party ,they had loud music playing Despacito and had lots of food.","languageCode":"en"},"originalText":{"text":"I loved their black history month party ,they had loud music playing Despacito and had lots of food.","languageCode":"en"},"authorAttribution":{"displayName":"Ben Brawler","uri":"https:\/\/\/maps\/contrib\/117328057582399923164\/reviews","photoUri":"https:\/\/\/a-\/AD_cMMS7ROELOFnIdYosvP9vm3dXTlQPZNjd2tPEh_iXQc30EcA=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo-ba3"},"publishTime":"2018-06-08T20:08:40Z"}]