School Summary

Earls Hall Primary School

Boys: 326
Girls: 304
Total Pupils: 630
Ofsted: Good
Headteacher: Matthew Badcock
Earls Hall Primary School
Carlton Avenue
Telephone: 01702333360

Webpage image for Earls Hall Primary School
AdministrativeWard (code): E05002219
AdministrativeWard (name): Prittlewell
AdmissionsPolicy (code): 0
AdmissionsPolicy (name): Not applicable
BSOInspectorateName (name): Not applicable
Boarders (code): 1
Boarders (name): No boarders
BoardingEstablishment (name):
CCF (name): Not applicable
CensusDate: 20-01-2022
Country (name):
County (name): Essex
Diocese (code): 0000
Diocese (name): Not applicable
DistrictAdministrative (code): E06000033
DistrictAdministrative (name): Southend-on-Sea
EBD (name): Not applicable
Easting: 586647
EdByOther (name): Not applicable
EstablishmentAccredited (code): 0
EstablishmentAccredited (name): Not applicable
EstablishmentName: Earls Hall Primary School
EstablishmentNumber: 2023
EstablishmentStatus (code): 1
EstablishmentStatus (name): Open
EstablishmentTypeGroup (code): 4
EstablishmentTypeGroup (name): Local authority maintained schools
FSM: 68
FTProv (name):
FederationFlag (name): Not under a federation
Federations (code):
Federations (name):
FurtherEducationType (name): Not applicable
GOR (code): G
GOR (name): East of England
GSSLACode (name): E06000033
Gender (code): 3
Gender (name): Mixed
HeadFirstName: Matthew
HeadLastName: Badcock
HeadPreferredJobTitle: Headteacher
HeadTitle (name): Mr
InspectorateName (name):
LA (code): 882
LA (name): Southend-on-Sea
LSOA (code): E01015859
LSOA (name): Southend-on-Sea 004C
LastChangedDate: 03-05-2023
MSOA (code): E02003282
MSOA (name): Southend-on-Sea 004
Northing: 187628
NumberOfBoys: 326
NumberOfGirls: 304
NumberOfPupils: 630
NurseryProvision (name): No Nursery Classes
OfficialSixthForm (code): 2
OfficialSixthForm (name): Does not have a sixth form
OfstedLastInsp: 27-06-2018
OfstedRating (name): Good
OfstedSpecialMeasures (code): 0
OfstedSpecialMeasures (name): Not applicable
ParliamentaryConstituency (code): E14000957
ParliamentaryConstituency (name): Southend West
PercentageFSM: 10.80
PhaseOfEducation (code): 2
PhaseOfEducation (name): Primary
Postcode: SS0 0QN
PreviousEstablishmentNumber: 2023
PreviousLA (code): 915
PreviousLA (name): Pre LGR (1998) Essex
QABName (code): 0
QABName (name): Not applicable
RSCRegion (name): East of England and North-East London
ReasonEstablishmentClosed (code): 00
ReasonEstablishmentClosed (name): Not applicable
ReasonEstablishmentOpened (code): 00
ReasonEstablishmentOpened (name): Not applicable
ReligiousCharacter (code): 00
ReligiousCharacter (name): Does not apply
ReligiousEthos (name): Does not apply
SEN1 (name):
SEN10 (name):
SEN11 (name):
SEN12 (name):
SEN13 (name):
SEN2 (name):
SEN3 (name):
SEN4 (name):
SEN5 (name):
SEN6 (name):
SEN7 (name):
SEN8 (name):
SEN9 (name):
SENPRU (name): Not applicable
SchoolCapacity: 630
SchoolSponsorFlag (name): Not applicable
SchoolSponsors (name):
Section41Approved (name): Not applicable
SpecialClasses (code): 2
SpecialClasses (name): No Special Classes
StatutoryHighAge: 11
StatutoryLowAge: 4
Street: Carlton Avenue
TeenMoth (name): Not applicable
TelephoneNum: 01702333360
Town: Westcliff-on-Sea
TrustSchoolFlag (code): 0
TrustSchoolFlag (name): Not applicable
Trusts (code):
Trusts (name):
TypeOfEstablishment (code): 01
TypeOfEstablishment (name): Community school
TypeOfResourcedProvision (name):
UKPRN: 10072117
UPRN: 200001259952
URN: 114720
UrbanRural (code): C1
UrbanRural (name): (England/Wales) Urban city and town
id: 14711

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nationalPhoneNumber: "01702 333360"
internationalPhoneNumber: "+44 1702 333360"
formattedAddress: "Carlton Ave, Westcliff-on-Sea, Southend-on-Sea, Westcliff-on-Sea SS0 0QH, UK"
addressComponents: [{"longText":"Carlton Avenue","shortText":"Carlton Ave","types":["route"],"languageCode":"en"},{"longText":"Westcliff-on-Sea","shortText":"Westcliff-on-Sea","types":["sublocality_level_1","sublocality","political"],"languageCode":"en"},{"longText":"Westcliff-on-Sea","shortText":"Westcliff-on-Sea","types":["postal_town"],"languageCode":"en"},{"longText":"Southend-on-Sea","shortText":"Southend-on-Sea","types":["administrative_area_level_2","political"],"languageCode":"en"},{"longText":"England","shortText":"England","types":["administrative_area_level_1","political"],"languageCode":"en"},{"longText":"United Kingdom","shortText":"GB","types":["country","political"],"languageCode":"en"},{"longText":"SS0 0QH","shortText":"SS0 0QH","types":["postal_code"],"languageCode":"en-US"}]
plusCode: {"globalCode":"9F32HM4R+MC","compoundCode":"HM4R+MC Westcliff-on-Sea, UK"}
location: {"latitude":51.556685599999994,"longitude":0.6910605}
viewport: {"low":{"latitude":51.55505441970849,"longitude":0.6896460197084979},"high":{"latitude":51.55775238029149,"longitude":0.692343980291502}}
rating: 4.8
googleMapsUri: "https:\/\/\/?cid=7706649761333028584"
websiteUri: "https:\/\/\/"
utcOffsetMinutes: 60
adrFormatAddress: "Carlton Avenue<\/span>, Westcliff-on-Sea, Southend-on-Sea<\/span>, Westcliff-on-Sea<\/span> SS0 0QH<\/span>, UK<\/span>"
businessStatus: "OPERATIONAL"
userRatingCount: 33
iconMaskBaseUri: "https:\/\/\/mapfiles\/place_api\/icons\/v2\/school_pinlet"
iconBackgroundColor: "#7B9EB0"
displayName: {"text":"Earls Hall Primary School","languageCode":"en"}
wheelchairAccessibleEntrance: true
reviews: [{"relativePublishTimeDescription":"5 years ago","rating":5,"text":{"text":"My daughter finished at Earls Hall this year, and my son is still there (year 3). It is an absolutely outstanding school in every respect. I have every confidence in the high standard of education they have received, and believe that the school has helped them both reach their full potential. Even more importantly, my children have both loved their time there, and have thrived in the nurturing and happy environment created by the Head Teacher, Mr Badcock and his staff. We couldn't have asked for more and I feel really lucky that my children have had such a fabulous start to their education.","languageCode":"en"},"originalText":{"text":"My daughter finished at Earls Hall this year, and my son is still there (year 3). It is an absolutely outstanding school in every respect. I have every confidence in the high standard of education they have received, and believe that the school has helped them both reach their full potential. Even more importantly, my children have both loved their time there, and have thrived in the nurturing and happy environment created by the Head Teacher, Mr Badcock and his staff. We couldn't have asked for more and I feel really lucky that my children have had such a fabulous start to their education.","languageCode":"en"},"authorAttribution":{"displayName":"Claire Lawrence","uri":"https:\/\/\/maps\/contrib\/114622938596828252250\/reviews","photoUri":"https:\/\/\/a-\/AD_cMMT-XRqXXlYuBtwreDepAf4W3ENyukfhcww8qmPfVL4MmMI=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo"},"publishTime":"2017-11-08T00:27:00Z"},{"relativePublishTimeDescription":"5 years ago","rating":5,"text":{"text":"My daughter started reception in September. I am pleased to say she settled in straight away and seems very happy.\n\nThe Headteacher has a wonderful way with all the children and parents. He is always approachable and enthusiastic, showing such pride in the love he has for his job. He creates such a fun and welcoming environment within the school, getting to know all the children personally and showing a genuine interest in their development and he makes sure they are recognized for any special achievements.\n\nThe Teachers and staff all seem so encouraging, caring and kind. I have no doubt my daughter will be looked after and cared for everyday by all the lovely people there.\n\nThe school itself is impressive to, such a beautiful large garden and playing field for the children to enjoy, a swimming pool, numerous clubs and activities offered. The school is really well looked after and the classrooms are all bright and interesting to look around. Parents are always kept up to date through the school website\/texts\/letters etc and encouraged to give feedback, suggestions and ideas.\n\nTo all the staff at Earls Hall, keep up the hard work it is greatly appreciated!\n\nLisa Virgo","languageCode":"en"},"originalText":{"text":"My daughter started reception in September. I am pleased to say she settled in straight away and seems very happy.\n\nThe Headteacher has a wonderful way with all the children and parents. He is always approachable and enthusiastic, showing such pride in the love he has for his job. He creates such a fun and welcoming environment within the school, getting to know all the children personally and showing a genuine interest in their development and he makes sure they are recognized for any special achievements.\n\nThe Teachers and staff all seem so encouraging, caring and kind. I have no doubt my daughter will be looked after and cared for everyday by all the lovely people there.\n\nThe school itself is impressive to, such a beautiful large garden and playing field for the children to enjoy, a swimming pool, numerous clubs and activities offered. The school is really well looked after and the classrooms are all bright and interesting to look around. Parents are always kept up to date through the school website\/texts\/letters etc and encouraged to give feedback, suggestions and ideas.\n\nTo all the staff at Earls Hall, keep up the hard work it is greatly appreciated!\n\nLisa Virgo","languageCode":"en"},"authorAttribution":{"displayName":"Lisa Virgo","uri":"https:\/\/\/maps\/contrib\/103680545726961020177\/reviews","photoUri":"https:\/\/\/a-\/AD_cMMTqpYSCkaZhq-imS6GPnL_H_Ot9egy8XYtc09BLMtWYoXI=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo"},"publishTime":"2017-11-14T10:11:01Z"},{"relativePublishTimeDescription":"5 years ago","rating":5,"text":{"text":"My son finished his journey at Earls Hall Primary in July. He thoroughly enjoyed his years there from Reception right through to year 6 and was totally engaged in all the curriculum. Communication between the school and parents has always been excellent and plenty of opportunities over the years for us to go in and see what goes on within the school environment. There was a great range of after school activities available for all year groups and plenty of school trips throughout the year. There is a real sense of a school community at Earls hall with a fantastic PTA who are constantly fund raising.\nAll in all I would recommend Earls Hall to anyone who asked as i feel my children have had the best education possible by attending this school.","languageCode":"en"},"originalText":{"text":"My son finished his journey at Earls Hall Primary in July. He thoroughly enjoyed his years there from Reception right through to year 6 and was totally engaged in all the curriculum. Communication between the school and parents has always been excellent and plenty of opportunities over the years for us to go in and see what goes on within the school environment. There was a great range of after school activities available for all year groups and plenty of school trips throughout the year. There is a real sense of a school community at Earls hall with a fantastic PTA who are constantly fund raising.\nAll in all I would recommend Earls Hall to anyone who asked as i feel my children have had the best education possible by attending this school.","languageCode":"en"},"authorAttribution":{"displayName":"Andrea Hardy","uri":"https:\/\/\/maps\/contrib\/110700093301556162727\/reviews","photoUri":"https:\/\/\/a\/AAcHTtfko1UuxSWS-MPuH2J9L5DsNfYlBpIa3VZUstE7qLED=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo"},"publishTime":"2017-11-21T16:48:07Z"},{"relativePublishTimeDescription":"5 years ago","rating":5,"text":{"text":"My daughter has just left earls hall and I am so glad she got to start her education at such a supportive school who care about each and every pupil. She has had many great opportunities there, they offer lots of extra curricular activities and clubs and are always encouraging the students to try their hand at different things, which I think taught my daughter a lot and set up her to take the challenge of senior school in her stride. The headteacher makes the school what it is and it really shows how much he loves earls hall, something which reflects on the staff and students. I have a son still there in year 2 and I'm looking forward to his journey through the school as he has already made such good progress with the help of the great teaching and support team there. They also have a breakfast and after school club from 7.30am-6pm which makes it convenient for working\/studying parents. Thanks to earls hall my children have had the best start to their education and their lives, it was the best choice I could have made for them.","languageCode":"en"},"originalText":{"text":"My daughter has just left earls hall and I am so glad she got to start her education at such a supportive school who care about each and every pupil. She has had many great opportunities there, they offer lots of extra curricular activities and clubs and are always encouraging the students to try their hand at different things, which I think taught my daughter a lot and set up her to take the challenge of senior school in her stride. The headteacher makes the school what it is and it really shows how much he loves earls hall, something which reflects on the staff and students. I have a son still there in year 2 and I'm looking forward to his journey through the school as he has already made such good progress with the help of the great teaching and support team there. They also have a breakfast and after school club from 7.30am-6pm which makes it convenient for working\/studying parents. Thanks to earls hall my children have had the best start to their education and their lives, it was the best choice I could have made for them.","languageCode":"en"},"authorAttribution":{"displayName":"Jessica Turner","uri":"https:\/\/\/maps\/contrib\/100307813743570197012\/reviews","photoUri":"https:\/\/\/a\/AAcHTtd9chb1VhinfcR5dO8cY9sTGcDPOHbnSUEa2MztPn4=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo"},"publishTime":"2017-11-29T20:43:02Z"},{"relativePublishTimeDescription":"5 years ago","rating":5,"text":{"text":"Earls Hall have been brilliant with my son. In his first year he was getting bullied, so his mum spoke to the school and within a few weeks there was an anti-bullying theme introduced which enabled the children to understand what bullying is and what it does. Since then my son and the bully have resolved their differences and are now in fact good friends. What a turn around in less than a year.\nI would highly recommend Earls Hall, every member of staff I have met have been friendly and helpful.\nTop school with top teachers. Well done \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d","languageCode":"en"},"originalText":{"text":"Earls Hall have been brilliant with my son. In his first year he was getting bullied, so his mum spoke to the school and within a few weeks there was an anti-bullying theme introduced which enabled the children to understand what bullying is and what it does. Since then my son and the bully have resolved their differences and are now in fact good friends. What a turn around in less than a year.\nI would highly recommend Earls Hall, every member of staff I have met have been friendly and helpful.\nTop school with top teachers. Well done \u00f0\u009f\u0098\u0081\u00f0\u009f\u0091\u008d","languageCode":"en"},"authorAttribution":{"displayName":"Gary Margan","uri":"https:\/\/\/maps\/contrib\/104733166244651179179\/reviews","photoUri":"https:\/\/\/a-\/AD_cMMTcOZ4GxiF1DO_W9LvzAJ_Lee0w-cAd-VzIFkFD2aPtDmg=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo"},"publishTime":"2017-12-09T09:18:42Z"}]