School Summary

Charmouth Primary School

Boys: 56
Girls: 62
Total Pupils: 118
Ofsted: Requires improvement
Headteacher: Laura Cornish
Charmouth Primary School
Lower Sea Lane
Telephone: 01297560591

Webpage image for Charmouth Primary School
AdministrativeWard (code): E05012705
AdministrativeWard (name): Lyme & Charmouth
AdmissionsPolicy (code): 0
AdmissionsPolicy (name): Not applicable
BSOInspectorateName (name): Not applicable
Boarders (code): 1
Boarders (name): No boarders
BoardingEstablishment (name):
CCF (name): Not applicable
CensusDate: 20-01-2022
Country (name):
County (name): Dorset
Diocese (code): 0000
Diocese (name): Not applicable
DistrictAdministrative (code): E06000059
DistrictAdministrative (name): Dorset
EBD (name): Not applicable
Easting: 336473
EdByOther (name): Not applicable
EstablishmentAccredited (code): 0
EstablishmentAccredited (name): Not applicable
EstablishmentName: Charmouth Primary School
EstablishmentNumber: 2008
EstablishmentStatus (code): 1
EstablishmentStatus (name): Open
EstablishmentTypeGroup (code): 4
EstablishmentTypeGroup (name): Local authority maintained schools
FSM: 24
FTProv (name):
FederationFlag (name): Not under a federation
Federations (code):
Federations (name):
FurtherEducationType (name): Not applicable
GOR (code): K
GOR (name): South West
GSSLACode (name): X999999
Gender (code): 3
Gender (name): Mixed
HeadFirstName: Laura
HeadLastName: Cornish
HeadPreferredJobTitle: Headteacher
HeadTitle (name): Mrs
InspectorateName (name):
LA (code): 838
LA (name): Dorset
LSOA (code): E01020511
LSOA (name): Dorset 023A
LastChangedDate: 27-06-2023
Locality: Charmouth
MSOA (code): E02004273
MSOA (name): Dorset 023
Northing: 93262
NumberOfBoys: 56
NumberOfGirls: 62
NumberOfPupils: 118
NurseryProvision (name): Has Nursery Classes
OfficialSixthForm (code): 2
OfficialSixthForm (name): Does not have a sixth form
OfstedLastInsp: 05-05-2022
OfstedRating (name): Requires improvement
OfstedSpecialMeasures (code): 0
OfstedSpecialMeasures (name): Not applicable
ParliamentaryConstituency (code): E14001031
ParliamentaryConstituency (name): West Dorset
PercentageFSM: 21.20
PhaseOfEducation (code): 2
PhaseOfEducation (name): Primary
Postcode: DT6 6LR
PreviousLA (code): 835
PreviousLA (name): Pre-LGR 2019 Dorset
QABName (code): 0
QABName (name): Not applicable
RSCRegion (name): South-West England
ReasonEstablishmentClosed (code): 00
ReasonEstablishmentClosed (name): Not applicable
ReasonEstablishmentOpened (code): 00
ReasonEstablishmentOpened (name): Not applicable
ReligiousCharacter (code): 00
ReligiousCharacter (name): Does not apply
ReligiousEthos (name): Does not apply
SEN1 (name):
SEN10 (name):
SEN11 (name):
SEN12 (name):
SEN13 (name):
SEN2 (name):
SEN3 (name):
SEN4 (name):
SEN5 (name):
SEN6 (name):
SEN7 (name):
SEN8 (name):
SEN9 (name):
SENPRU (name): Not applicable
SchoolCapacity: 150
SchoolSponsorFlag (name): Not applicable
SchoolSponsors (name):
Section41Approved (name): Not applicable
SpecialClasses (code): 2
SpecialClasses (name): No Special Classes
StatutoryHighAge: 11
StatutoryLowAge: 3
Street: Lower Sea Lane
TeenMoth (name): Not applicable
TelephoneNum: 01297560591
Town: Bridport
TrustSchoolFlag (code): 0
TrustSchoolFlag (name): Not applicable
Trusts (code):
Trusts (name):
TypeOfEstablishment (code): 01
TypeOfEstablishment (name): Community school
TypeOfResourcedProvision (name):
UKPRN: 10076064
UPRN: 200000749705
URN: 113662
UrbanRural (code): D1
UrbanRural (name): (England/Wales) Rural town and fringe
id: 13654

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id: "ChIJRwseV_B7ckgRl6iU6wBuIZY"
types: ["primary_school","school","point_of_interest","establishment"]
nationalPhoneNumber: "01297 560591"
internationalPhoneNumber: "+44 1297 560591"
formattedAddress: "Lower Sea Ln, Charmouth, Bridport DT6 6LR, UK"
addressComponents: [{"longText":"Lower Sea Lane","shortText":"Lower Sea Ln","types":["route"],"languageCode":"en"},{"longText":"Charmouth","shortText":"Charmouth","types":["locality","political"],"languageCode":"en"},{"longText":"Bridport","shortText":"Bridport","types":["postal_town"],"languageCode":"en"},{"longText":"Dorset","shortText":"Dorset","types":["administrative_area_level_2","political"],"languageCode":"en"},{"longText":"England","shortText":"England","types":["administrative_area_level_1","political"],"languageCode":"en"},{"longText":"United Kingdom","shortText":"GB","types":["country","political"],"languageCode":"en"},{"longText":"DT6 6LR","shortText":"DT6 6LR","types":["postal_code"],"languageCode":"en-US"}]
plusCode: {"globalCode":"9C2VP3PX+4C","compoundCode":"P3PX+4C Bridport, UK"}
location: {"latitude":50.735300599999995,"longitude":-2.9014593}
viewport: {"low":{"latitude":50.733920519708505,"longitude":-2.902513880291502},"high":{"latitude":50.736618480291504,"longitude":-2.899815919708498}}
rating: 4
googleMapsUri: "https:\/\/\/?cid=10818048730152085655"
websiteUri: "https:\/\/\/"
reviews: [{"publishTime":"2013-10-03T22:35:15Z","relativePublishTimeDescription":"9 years ago","rating":1,"text":{"text":"As a parent in the village it's saddening to see what was once our local Outstanding school now struggling to gain any sort of foot hold in an area full of excellent alternative Primary School offerings within easy travelling distance. Seemingly the majority of the 'outstanding' teaching staff are still in place somewhat amazingly but a modern day dictatorship and non-existent management combined with one particularly long staff absence and associated scandal has led this former hub of educational excellence into the state it finds itself, where parents are removing their children in favour of other schools and children don't even get a break from learning in the afternoons. Sad, how the mighty has fallen. Please can we have our previously outstanding local school back, smiling children and all.","languageCode":"en"},"originalText":{"text":"As a parent in the village it's saddening to see what was once our local Outstanding school now struggling to gain any sort of foot hold in an area full of excellent alternative Primary School offerings within easy travelling distance. Seemingly the majority of the 'outstanding' teaching staff are still in place somewhat amazingly but a modern day dictatorship and non-existent management combined with one particularly long staff absence and associated scandal has led this former hub of educational excellence into the state it finds itself, where parents are removing their children in favour of other schools and children don't even get a break from learning in the afternoons. Sad, how the mighty has fallen. Please can we have our previously outstanding local school back, smiling children and all.","languageCode":"en"},"authorAttribution":{"displayName":"Acharmouth Shoreliner","uri":"https:\/\/\/maps\/contrib\/113611339275594243340\/reviews","photoUri":"https:\/\/\/a\/AAcHTtdwU0ok6ZeVYIjyNNfeU56qKxYPZBvMhlZq70jxXBQO=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo"}},{"publishTime":"2014-02-13T23:17:13Z","relativePublishTimeDescription":"9 years ago","rating":5,"text":{"text":"I think the school has made huge progress in the last few months. No playtime in the afternoon is like juniors in nearly every other school so I don't understand the moans. Year 6 will be in for a shock when they get to secondary school if they think its all about play. The head has done a fantastic job in pulling the school up and there are some excellent new appointments of very experienced staff. At least the old mess is gone and we can look forward now.\n\nSince the Ofsted inspection, the HMI has visited in September and said, \"The determination to improve, driven by the senior leaders and governors, is clearly evident in the school and underpinned by clear plans\" so I really don't understand why some people are blind to the hard work the head and teachers are doing. And since when was the new head dictatorial? I have always found her to be very reasonable and cooperative. I know that people moan about not being able to take their children off school for cheap family holidays any more. Try asking permission to do that at any other local school and you'll get the same answer!\n\nCharmouth is a great school with a great future and is on the road to becoming a fantastic school again soon.","languageCode":"en"},"originalText":{"text":"I think the school has made huge progress in the last few months. No playtime in the afternoon is like juniors in nearly every other school so I don't understand the moans. Year 6 will be in for a shock when they get to secondary school if they think its all about play. The head has done a fantastic job in pulling the school up and there are some excellent new appointments of very experienced staff. At least the old mess is gone and we can look forward now.\n\nSince the Ofsted inspection, the HMI has visited in September and said, \"The determination to improve, driven by the senior leaders and governors, is clearly evident in the school and underpinned by clear plans\" so I really don't understand why some people are blind to the hard work the head and teachers are doing. And since when was the new head dictatorial? I have always found her to be very reasonable and cooperative. I know that people moan about not being able to take their children off school for cheap family holidays any more. Try asking permission to do that at any other local school and you'll get the same answer!\n\nCharmouth is a great school with a great future and is on the road to becoming a fantastic school again soon.","languageCode":"en"},"authorAttribution":{"displayName":"John Morris","uri":"https:\/\/\/maps\/contrib\/102263904993648478091\/reviews","photoUri":"https:\/\/\/a\/AAcHTtecdDAgZ3rnAKiG84fjTb_DUYQSwBakkx09Cw3LyTTv=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo"}},{"publishTime":"2012-01-18T23:54:37Z","relativePublishTimeDescription":"11 years ago","rating":5,"text":{"text":"Small Village School not many left","languageCode":"en"},"originalText":{"text":"Small Village School not many left","languageCode":"en"},"authorAttribution":{"displayName":"Michael Gardner","uri":"https:\/\/\/maps\/contrib\/104207532600129707566\/reviews","photoUri":"https:\/\/\/a-\/AD_cMMRHDQma-WqSSS6xn4tfrKzVUNdjvUqtFPOLLNy4Om4A43U=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo"}},{"publishTime":"2018-05-11T18:12:19Z","relativePublishTimeDescription":"5 years ago","rating":5,"authorAttribution":{"displayName":"Kenzie Vlogz","uri":"https:\/\/\/maps\/contrib\/102484716082954577506\/reviews","photoUri":"https:\/\/\/a-\/AD_cMMQvtFieFrBNMHYE3KBNZlnaLBxCj7H79r8c7W_9lh7yKQ=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo"}},{"publishTime":"2019-04-20T16:51:34Z","relativePublishTimeDescription":"4 years ago","rating":3,"authorAttribution":{"displayName":"Sofia","uri":"https:\/\/\/maps\/contrib\/118232010267247878799\/reviews","photoUri":"https:\/\/\/a-\/AD_cMMQSq_9QofaR6KI5agFNXCS30k1mqGqVfK_d5mKGxlF4hkA=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo"}}]
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utcOffsetMinutes: 60
adrFormatAddress: "Lower Sea Lane<\/span>, Charmouth<\/span>, Bridport<\/span> DT6 6LR<\/span>, UK<\/span>"
businessStatus: "OPERATIONAL"
userRatingCount: 6
iconMaskBaseUri: "https:\/\/\/mapfiles\/place_api\/icons\/v2\/school_pinlet"
iconBackgroundColor: "#7B9EB0"
displayName: {"text":"Charmouth Primary School","languageCode":"en"}
wheelchairAccessibleEntrance: true
currentOpeningHours: {"openNow":true,"periods":[{"open":{"day":1,"hour":0,"minute":0,"date":{"year":2023,"month":7,"day":24}},"close":{"day":2,"hour":0,"minute":0,"date":{"year":2023,"month":7,"day":25}}},{"open":{"day":3,"hour":0,"minute":0,"date":{"year":2023,"month":7,"day":26}},"close":{"day":3,"hour":23,"minute":59,"truncated":true,"date":{"year":2023,"month":7,"day":26}}},{"open":{"day":4,"hour":0,"minute":0,"truncated":true,"date":{"year":2023,"month":7,"day":20}},"close":{"day":5,"hour":0,"minute":0,"date":{"year":2023,"month":7,"day":21}}}],"weekdayDescriptions":["Monday: Open 24 hours","Tuesday: Closed","Wednesday: Open 24 hours","Thursday: Open 24 hours","Friday: Closed","Saturday: Closed","Sunday: Closed"]}