School Summary

Trinity Church of England School, Lewisham

Boys: 546
Girls: 461
Total Pupils: 1007
Ofsted: Good
Executive Headteacher: David Lucas
Trinity Church of England School, Lewisham
Taunton Road

SE12 8PD
Telephone: 02088523191

Webpage image for Trinity Church of England School, Lewisham
AdministrativeWard (code): E05013726
AdministrativeWard (name): Lee Green
AdmissionsPolicy (code): 4
AdmissionsPolicy (name): Non-selective
BSOInspectorateName (name): Not applicable
Boarders (code): 1
Boarders (name): No boarders
BoardingEstablishment (name):
CCF (name): Not applicable
CensusDate: 20-01-2022
Country (name):
County (name):
Diocese (code): CE36
Diocese (name): Diocese of Southwark
DistrictAdministrative (code): E09000023
DistrictAdministrative (name): Lewisham
EBD (name): Not applicable
Easting: 539574
EdByOther (name): Not applicable
EstablishmentAccredited (code): 0
EstablishmentAccredited (name): Not applicable
EstablishmentName: Trinity Church of England School, Lewisham
EstablishmentNumber: 4636
EstablishmentStatus (code): 1
EstablishmentStatus (name): Open
EstablishmentTypeGroup (code): 4
EstablishmentTypeGroup (name): Local authority maintained schools
FSM: 245
FTProv (name):
FederationFlag (name): Not under a federation
Federations (code):
Federations (name):
FurtherEducationType (name): Not applicable
GOR (code): H
GOR (name): London
GSSLACode (name): E09000023
Gender (code): 3
Gender (name): Mixed
HeadFirstName: David
HeadLastName: Lucas
HeadPreferredJobTitle: Executive Headteacher
HeadTitle (name): Mr
InspectorateName (name):
LA (code): 209
LA (name): Lewisham
LSOA (code): E01003286
LSOA (name): Lewisham 013D
LastChangedDate: 02-05-2023
MSOA (code): E02000665
MSOA (name): Lewisham 013
Northing: 174825
NumberOfBoys: 546
NumberOfGirls: 461
NumberOfPupils: 1007
NurseryProvision (name): No Nursery Classes
OfficialSixthForm (code): 2
OfficialSixthForm (name): Does not have a sixth form
OfstedLastInsp: 20-10-2021
OfstedRating (name): Good
OfstedSpecialMeasures (code): 0
OfstedSpecialMeasures (name): Not applicable
ParliamentaryConstituency (code): E14000787
ParliamentaryConstituency (name): Lewisham East
PercentageFSM: 24.30
PhaseOfEducation (code): 7
PhaseOfEducation (name): All-through
Postcode: SE12 8PD
PreviousLA (code): 999
PreviousLA (name):
QABName (code): 0
QABName (name): Not applicable
RSCRegion (name): South-East England and South London
ReasonEstablishmentClosed (code): 00
ReasonEstablishmentClosed (name): Not applicable
ReasonEstablishmentOpened (code): 00
ReasonEstablishmentOpened (name): Not applicable
ReligiousCharacter (code): 02
ReligiousCharacter (name): Church of England
ReligiousEthos (name): Does not apply
SEN1 (name):
SEN10 (name):
SEN11 (name):
SEN12 (name):
SEN13 (name):
SEN2 (name):
SEN3 (name):
SEN4 (name):
SEN5 (name):
SEN6 (name):
SEN7 (name):
SEN8 (name):
SEN9 (name):
SENPRU (name): Not applicable
SchoolCapacity: 1020
SchoolSponsorFlag (name): Not applicable
SchoolSponsors (name):
Section41Approved (name): Not applicable
SpecialClasses (code): 2
SpecialClasses (name): No Special Classes
StatutoryHighAge: 16
StatutoryLowAge: 4
Street: Taunton Road
TeenMoth (name): Not applicable
TelephoneNum: 02088523191
Town: London
TrustSchoolFlag (code): 0
TrustSchoolFlag (name): Not applicable
Trusts (code):
Trusts (name):
TypeOfEstablishment (code): 02
TypeOfEstablishment (name): Voluntary aided school
TypeOfResourcedProvision (name):
UKPRN: 10016684
UPRN: 200000548446
URN: 100749
UrbanRural (code): A1
UrbanRural (name): (England/Wales) Urban major conurbation
id: 751

id: "ChIJo4wHVtyp2EcRcWO4Lf4ul9E"
types: ["school","point_of_interest","establishment"]
nationalPhoneNumber: "020 8852 3191"
internationalPhoneNumber: "+44 20 8852 3191"
formattedAddress: "Taunton Rd, London SE12 8PD, UK"
addressComponents: [{"longText":"Taunton Road","shortText":"Taunton Rd","types":["route"],"languageCode":"en"},{"longText":"London","shortText":"London","types":["postal_town"],"languageCode":"en"},{"longText":"Greater London","shortText":"Greater London","types":["administrative_area_level_2","political"],"languageCode":"en"},{"longText":"England","shortText":"England","types":["administrative_area_level_1","political"],"languageCode":"en"},{"longText":"United Kingdom","shortText":"GB","types":["country","political"],"languageCode":"en"},{"longText":"SE12 8PD","shortText":"SE12 8PD","types":["postal_code"],"languageCode":"en-US"}]
plusCode: {"globalCode":"9F32F235+X4","compoundCode":"F235+X4 London, UK"}
location: {"latitude":51.4549597,"longitude":0.0077544}
viewport: {"low":{"latitude":51.453542919708504,"longitude":0.006413619708497969},"high":{"latitude":51.456240880291496,"longitude":0.00911158029150203}}
rating: 2.7
googleMapsUri: "https:\/\/\/?cid=15102591544633877361"
websiteUri: "https:\/\/\/"
reviews: [{"publishTime":"2023-04-22T16:57:10Z","relativePublishTimeDescription":"2 months ago","author":"Kelly Jones","authorUri":"https:\/\/\/maps\/contrib\/107848371564046113698\/reviews","authorPhotoUri":"https:\/\/\/a\/AAcHTtdgXFk9v1DWt5Lf_Zy-PtSLgFxITBhS6ijp5vU8SgDe=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo","rating":1,"text":{"text":"I had to remove my son from this school due to mental health issues. Which the school would not help support. The school caused my son and myself so much stress i had to take him out. If your child fits neatly in a box they will be fine.\n\nSome of the Children on theses reviews do have a valid point even if they are not expressed well.","languageCode":"en"},"originalText":{"text":"I had to remove my son from this school due to mental health issues. Which the school would not help support. The school caused my son and myself so much stress i had to take him out. If your child fits neatly in a box they will be fine.\n\nSome of the Children on theses reviews do have a valid point even if they are not expressed well.","languageCode":"en"}},{"publishTime":"2023-02-09T10:01:22Z","relativePublishTimeDescription":"4 months ago","author":"\u00e3\u0082\u00af\u00e3\u0083\u00ab\u00e3\u0082\u00bc !!","authorUri":"https:\/\/\/maps\/contrib\/111802874657883303932\/reviews","authorPhotoUri":"https:\/\/\/a-\/AD_cMMTjPFklB7h61FVvAQLW8Axtq0rezRIbDw1_EBSuut5gR6Q=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo","rating":1,"text":{"text":"Due to experience, I feel depressed and overwhelmed. I don\u00e2\u0080\u0099t recommend this school if you want your child to be happy and feel free as well as safe. This school has ruined my life.","languageCode":"en"},"originalText":{"text":"Due to experience, I feel depressed and overwhelmed. I don\u00e2\u0080\u0099t recommend this school if you want your child to be happy and feel free as well as safe. This school has ruined my life.","languageCode":"en"}},{"publishTime":"2023-06-29T18:36:38Z","relativePublishTimeDescription":"a week ago","author":"Arjian Saiti","authorUri":"https:\/\/\/maps\/contrib\/103500014764579962462\/reviews","authorPhotoUri":"https:\/\/\/a\/AAcHTteFR1kV19cZZyXWxk1-TFajr9C6RLAZBP04byXAUkew=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo","rating":1,"text":{"text":"This school made me really angry and stressed it deserve one star and the head of year ms Victoria wright she never listen to me and the teachers are really rude","languageCode":"en"},"originalText":{"text":"This school made me really angry and stressed it deserve one star and the head of year ms Victoria wright she never listen to me and the teachers are really rude","languageCode":"en"}},{"publishTime":"2023-07-07T08:46:04Z","relativePublishTimeDescription":"in the last week","author":"Ruby Akalay","authorUri":"https:\/\/\/maps\/contrib\/114857513480986958813\/reviews","authorPhotoUri":"https:\/\/\/a\/AAcHTte5o6Ls81gYx7YyY1rhL4ln62zjjbAuyVkjQcH7APqd=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo","rating":5,"text":{"text":"Amazing school I recommend to put your child in here","languageCode":"en"},"originalText":{"text":"Amazing school I recommend to put your child in here","languageCode":"en"}},{"publishTime":"2018-09-17T09:34:29Z","relativePublishTimeDescription":"4 years ago","author":"Anne-Marie Brennan","authorUri":"https:\/\/\/maps\/contrib\/102834047096845113081\/reviews","authorPhotoUri":"https:\/\/\/a\/AAcHTte0UfM2-heAK1f-XBs2FjN5TAgMBok2gsFj-g8lNNsE=s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo","rating":4,"text":{"text":"It's a shame some of the kids badmouth the school on here. My son has been going there now for several years and is mostly very happy there. He likes the majority of the teachers, gets good grades, disciplinary issues seem to be well handled in a challanging environment , the school communicates well with us patents and there have been a lot of school trips-more than most schools arrange for pupils. I strongly recommend it.","languageCode":"en"},"originalText":{"text":"It's a shame some of the kids badmouth the school on here. My son has been going there now for several years and is mostly very happy there. He likes the majority of the teachers, gets good grades, disciplinary issues seem to be well handled in a challanging environment , the school communicates well with us patents and there have been a lot of school trips-more than most schools arrange for pupils. I strongly recommend it.","languageCode":"en"}}]
utcOffsetMinutes: 60
adrFormatAddress: "Taunton Road<\/span>, London<\/span> SE12 8PD<\/span>, UK<\/span>"
businessStatus: "OPERATIONAL"
userRatingCount: 23
iconMaskBaseUri: "https:\/\/\/mapfiles\/place_api\/icons\/v2\/school_pinlet"
iconBackgroundColor: "#7B9EB0"
displayName: {"text":"Trinity Church of England School: Secondary Phase","languageCode":"en"}
wheelchairAccessibleEntrance: true